Social Skills Coaching

Do you know someone who is experiencing a challenge in relationships with peers, spouses, siblings, parents, or teachers?

Socially Smarter offers evaluations and remediation in all areas of social skills, including:

  • developing empathy
  • reading social cues
  • using effective body language
  • conversational skills
  • behavior
  • bullying
  • conflict resolution
  • social anxiety
  • friendships
  • flexibility
  • dating skills
  • shalom bayis
  • social cognition
  • and more

    Rabbi Chaim Trainer works with boys and men, either individually or in groups, at his office at 7220 Blvd. in Los Angeles, or with online video conferencing.

    Click here to schedule your FREE 15 minute consultation either in person, on Zoom, or on the phone, whichever you prefer. If you would rather call or email first, here is my contact information. Phone: 323.549.0279, email:

    People are happier when they're socially smarter.